Saturday, January 24, 2009

International Builders Show has Education at forefront

I am writing from the sky as I travel back from Beautiful Las Vegas Nevada returning from the International Builders Show. I know, I know, what could possibly be good about an expo and conference devoted to the housing industry? Despite the fact attendance was off one area that really seemed to be utilized this year was the education courses. I facilitated two seminars in the “Meet the Experts Series” They were “Dealing with Clients with Homes to Sell” and “Getting Along with Realtor’s.” This is my third time talking at IBS, and at each of the previous courses I have had 20-30 people. This year I had 70 and 50 respectively. Now, these courses are informal round table discussions, and mine were scheduled at 8 am in Vegas! Some of the regular education courses that I attended had as many as 500 people in them.
I have always been devoted to education and when the market challenges us to get creative in what we do, it is nice to see many others turning to the same thing. Those of you who have been attending courses in your field over the past few years, congrats, you are ahead of the curve. Those beginning to educate themselves in their field, don’t get discouraged. It is never too late to start.
One of the greatest values I received out there was the positive reinforcement from all of the other volunteers and staff that are part of the Sales and Marketing Council. Many famous speakers talk about how important it is too go to seminars to sharpen your mind and get a positive charge. This time it was even more important. As I volunteer time with sales trainers and other sales professionals around the country, we feed off of each others positive energy. It is exciting electrifying helps me realize how lucky I am to be in this profession. By the time I got this plane, I couldn’t wait to get back to Zero degree temperatures to start showing the value of our New Home Communities, and tell Lansing how great real estate is.
Now I am not saying that this is the best market ever. Though, if you are a purchaser it just may be. Two years ago if you were a seller, it was your time for your house to shine. Don’t be bitter if you bought a house in the last three years and you watched your value tank as fast as your 401K. I know it burns a little bit too see prices erode like they have. Even many experts, including myself with 11 years experience bought a house 3 years ago and got too see my equity disappear as well. I still believe that everyone should own at least one home, and if you are an active investor you should have real estate in your portfolio.
2008 was a trying year for a lot of families. I have told every realtor that I have talked too since Mid December that I am really excited about 2009. A few of them have looked at me really funny and asked why? I know it is going to be great year because I choose it to be. Even as I leave 60 degrees and sunshine and head back to clouds and cold, getting that recharge reinforces how great I have it, even in a market that has already been written off by mainstream media. One thought to keep in mind. When the media starts reporting good news about the housing industry, it will be too late for the best opportunities. They will have already passed. It doesn’t mean that housing won’t be good after that, but those that do their homework, get educated about the market, learn to read the indicators that are available will be the ones to receive the greatest gains. Keep positive, Keep educated and resolve to have your 2009 as Joel Osteen puts it “Your Best Year Yet!”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a very informative and wonderful post about real estate investing FAQ and education. I am also a real estate investor and am in search of some tips that will be quite helpful in my business.