Saturday, December 29, 2007

Despite National Gloom, Lansing Real Estate Shows Life.

If you did not get a chance to read the business section of the local paper today, it wasn't great news for the new construction housing industry. The Articles title was "New Home Sales Plunge." It is interesting to see that according to data collected by the Commerce Department, the Midwest saw a decline of 27.6 percent from October to November. I found this interesting since November this year was one of our busiest months. In our community Lakeside, we welcomed three new neighbors that are all in the process of building their homes. I find it interesting that the paper has a quote from Richard Yamarone a national economist that states "This is one sector of the economy that doesn't show any signs of life." It is interesting because the U.S. is still on pace to sell 647,000 new homes this year. It might not be the million homes that we topped a few years ago, and I am not saying that this is a healthy market. I just don't think that it is fair to say that here is no sign of life.
Locally, many of the bankers and Realtors that I have talked to have been very happy with the level of activity going on right now in our market. One builder we work with is putting in five more basements for customers before the end of January. I bring this up, because these are positive spots in our local area that you won't hear about in our main media streams. I know that homes aren't valued as high as they were a few years ago, and if you are a seller that sales are not as strong as they were. Even so, there is life in the real estate market and homes are still selling. The market will come back, and we will see real estate values rise in the future. What this region needs to focus on is job growth and stability. More jobs in the region mean a greater demand for housing helping marketing times and values.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

More on Green in Lansing

If any of you have not had a chance to check out the new online Magazine for Lansing, Capital Gains, add this to your favorites. This company has had great success in other markets doing positivie news stories showing what is going good in cities across the U.S. They started this fall in Lansing and are off to a great start. I have linked to an article that they have put together on Green Building and LEED Certification. This gives a lot of information on what the different developers in Lansing are doing. There are also many other articles on different neighborhoods and other activities going on in the Greater Lansing area. I will put a link in my publications section on right side of this page.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from my family to yours. I hope the next couple of weeks are full of fun and joy. Please be safe while traveling and enjoy your time with loved ones. I am excited because we are heading down to the Capital One Bowl where my younger brother is going to be part of the half time show. I hope the Big Ten fairs well in the Bowl games this year.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Market hangover brings valuable lessons

Last night I was at a Christmas party at Dublin Square. I think out of the two hundred or so people there, 199 asked me, “so how’s the market right now? “ I respond with the same generic answer “slow in some segments, but steady in others.” Lately in Lakeside, I have been able to say we have three homes under construction for new neighbors out there. This really seems to open eyes when people hear that comment. They think housing is at a complete stop. The truth is, this market is not dead. We are seeing people still buying nice homes, the difference is, they are getting more value for the dollar. The party of the housing boom is over, and the United States housing market has finally awoken with a huge hangover. Unfortunately, some people got hurt when they fell victim to predatory lending. Others really thought the housing market would never crash and bought more than they could afford because they felt that the appreciation would bring them riches in the future. This is going to hurt for a little while nationally, but hopefully we can take a few lessons from this situation. I know I will be more careful on how little equity I leave in one of my properties so should I need to sell it fast I won’t be in a position to bring money to close. As goods become more expensive and gas prices raise again, this is a good time for all of us to readjust our budgets, and put together a program for a rainy day. A home is still a good investment if you need a place to live, but listening to a Rich Dad tape, Robert explains how a house is really a liability as a personal investment for our future. I did not understand this at first, especially being in the real estate profession. We are taught to show the tax advantages, appreciation values, and all of the other benefits that come on paper from owning a home. These are all true, but after watching the foreclosure rate, it all comes down to the simple fact of how much money is coming in the door versus what is going out. It is unfortunate that so many people are learning this at the expense of their homes.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Goal Setting

As the new year rapidly approaches many people begin to work on their New Years Resolutions, or goals. Goals are something that our office takes very seriously. Through out the year we are constantly reassessing our goals, both within the company and individual employees work and personal goals. A few years ago some of the other agents and myself attended a seminar by a gentleman names Brian Tracy. If you have not heard of him, he is probably one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I have included a link to his website on this blog site, and I am also going to post the notes below that we took from the seminar on goal setting. If you are looking for some direction on self actualization and goal setting, I highly suggest looking through Brian Tracy’s materials. We also have some goal templates that we use in the office, if you are interested in receiving a copy, please email me at, and I will be more than happy to send you one. If you have any tips regarding goal setting please feel free to post them here.
12 Steps:

1) Desire/Need – The force that compels us toward our goal. It is always personal or selfish.
2) Belief – Most important element. You must believe you can achieve. Make your goals challenging so they cause you to stretch yourself (gets you out of your comfort zone).
3) Write it down – This is a way to program it into your subconscious. Write in complete details exactly as you wish to have it. Have a very clear representation.
4) Determine benefit – How will you benefit from achieving your goal? This will help you see more reasons to achieve your goal.
5) Analyze your position – See where you’re at. Where you’re beginning.
6) Set a deadline – What is the latest outside date to achieve goal. You should be able to measure how long it will take to accomplish and measure your success. You should see progress along the way and get a feeling of being a winner.
7) Identify Obstacles – What will you have to overcome? There are always obstacles. Write down what these are.
8) Identify knowledge required – What knowledge do you need to obtain your goal?
9) Clearly identify people needed – THREE LAWS OF RETURN:
1. Law of Return: Sewing & Reaping – more you put in/more you get out.
2. Law of Compensation – Every action gets an equal reaction (get what you give).
3. Law of Service – Can only get success by serving others (go extra mile). More Blessed to give then to receive. More profitable to give then to receive.
10) Take all steps – Make a plan and write down all activities. Prioritize your time – 1st, 2nd, etc. Continually go back and re-prioritize.
11) Clear mental image – Should already have obtained this and should already be in existence. Play the mental picture in your mind daily!!
12) Back plan with determination & persistence – Don’t give up!! Know that there will be setbacks. Winners pick themselves up. Self-discipline is persistence in action.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Market report on Lansing housing supply

I apologize for not getting the investor interview posted, I have had some scheduling conflicts with getting the interview done. I am hoping to record it this week. I have just run a market report for my company using the Realtor multiple list data. I do this every couple of months to try and keep a pulse on our local market. When I ran these numbers in July we had seen a constant rise in the amount of homes available on the market of both existing homes and new homes. This has been right in line with the national numbers that we have all seen on T.V. and in the papers. As of the end of November there were currently 4978 residential properties listed in the MLS. Looking at the amount of homes sold year to date, this means there is currently just over 14 months worth of housing stock available in the greater Lansing area. This is about a month more of supply than was available earlier this year. We are starting to see the market stabilize especially in new construction where permits pulled for new homes have declined more than 40% year over year for two years in a row. For the first time since the early 1980’s we may see less than 600 new homes built in this area. If you are interested in buying a home, it has been over twenty years since we have had this strong of a buyers market. I have many homes that come across my desk daily that would be a good buy, and there have been several that are almost steals. Whether you are looking for a home to live in, or for an investment, now is the time to really start doing your homework and seeing what’s out there. It might not be the best time to flip properties, but if you can buy and hold, it will be worth it in the future. You can start looking at properties by going to and clicking on the home search function. If you are interested in learning more about investing I have a few good links on the side of this page you should check out. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email at or call my office at (517) 349-9330 ext. 206. Have a great day.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Local Shops offer relief from busy commercial centers

Thursday morning I had my Monthly Mason Economic Development Committee meeting. It was very interesting looking at the goals and objectives for the Mason Area Chamber of Commerce for 2008. As could be expected, one of the topics discussed was new businesses being drawn to the area. No Surprise here, as Michigan’s economy tightens more and more municipalities are fighting for smaller pieces of the economic growth. Mason has really separated itself with its hometown values and buy local campaign. In fact, it is one of the few communities in the area that have more people that work in the community than live in it.
If you haven’t been to downtown Mason in a while, it’s worth the drive. Especially with all of the lights up around the courthouse, you truly feel the hometown spirit when you walk through the downtown. Kean’s store, small restaurants, and quaint bookstore and coffee shop all make this a great destination to spend some time. All of these shops and the others downtown really work hard to show the value of what shopping in a small community has. It is nice to get out of the crowded big boxes for a few hours and enjoy what these types of communities have to offer.
I know this blog doesn’t exactly fit into a real estate website, but in a round about way it does. Keeping our money in local companies helps our communities grow. It will bring more businesses and growth, which directly effects commercial and residential property values. I am not naïve enough to say that shopping at local businesses for everything is even possible. There are many conveniences that come with going to large commercial districts for shopping and some items are now only available through large retailers. Even so, at the malls and other large commercial districts there are still local shops selling many items that the large retailers have. These shop owners are our neighbors and do a lot to support our local community. In Meridian Township the Meridian Area Business Association is a major supporter of the fireworks every year. In every town in this area, small businesses and local community members are investing a lot of time and money into our quality of life. In Mason, a community member and business owner is donating the money to build a long walking trail through out the city, and many charities are supported by individuals who own businesses around town.
As we go into the holiday season, take a few minutes to stop into a local shop and see what they have to offer. There are many unique goods and services that you won’t find in the large commercial districts. It also can make for a great afternoon as it did for my wife and I as we enjoyed a great cup of coffee, wonderful scenery of a small town and the relaxed atmosphere outside of the large malls.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Planning your community

“Now entering Harrietta, A zoned community.” In driving to a wedding last weekend I passed through this quaint town and saw this sign at the city limits. Working in a development company and growing up in the real estate business, Zoning is something that I have been very familiar with. I can’t count the amount of times I have heard, Unless we can get the zoning needed, we will not be able to purchase this property. From a purely profit standpoint, the zoning can have one of the greatest impacts on the value of a piece of property. Even with Location, location, location, being the mantra of real estate investors, if you have a prime corner, and the only thing you can put on it is a single family home, the piece of property is only going to be worth 25% of what the house will sell for completed. Had this piece been zoned commercial, you could sell it in some cases for hundred’s of thousands more.
I had the opportunity to attend a workshop last week with many of the local officials on planning and zoning boards from Ingham and Eaton counties. This was a three hour workshop on the basics of planning and zoning from the government side of the business. Forsberg for the most part has had excellent experiences working with many of the local municipalities and has built many projects that have been win-win for the different communities, and for our company. Occasionally there have been some head-butting, but in the end things have always worked out. Seeing how zoning is put in place gave a little bit different perspective to how our communities work.
When you see a sign on a town that states it is a zoned or planned community, most likely it has had a Comprehensive Plan or sometimes known as a Master Plan put in place. This is an official document that is authorized under Michigan law. It has many components, and in many ways, could be looked at as the business plan for a community. If you really want to see where your community is heading in the next 10 to 20 years, this is the document to look at. It will tell you what the community planners are expecting for the municipality. According to the Michigan Association of Planning, the compnents of a Comprehensive Plan is as follows; a Transportation Plan, Housing Plan, Land Use Plan, Recreation Plan, Facilities Plan, and Sub Areas Plan. I will go into detail on these sections in later posts. Interacting with the officials, and learning what they do about putting these documents together was a great experience. If you are interested in real estate investing, this is a good document to look at to see what types of investments that a particular municipality is looking for. Talk to the planners about what they want to see for growth, or rehabilitation in their communities. For more information on the Michigan Association of Planning please go to . Have a great holiday.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I apologize for not posting in the last week, but I have been out with a severe cold. I will try to post the recap of the Michigan association of planning meeting that I went to last week. Being on the development side of the business, it was very interesting sitting in a class that was designed for governemnt officials on how to design a master plan for a community. I will also have the podcast up of my interview with a first time home investor by Monday next week. I am really excited with these upcoming stories for the week and I hope you find them interesting and educational. If you have any topics that you want covered, please email me at, or post a comment. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trespassers Beware!

Many times in Michigan we hear of property rights disputes involving where bodies of water and private land meet. Over the years there has been a lot of case law involving riparian rights. This website seems to have a lot of information regarding property rights for land owners adjacent to a body of water . There is a large section of the rights of property owners and a list of cases regarding this issue.
Being a sportsman, respect of land and property is something that has always been very important to me. As more and more land is developed and purchased privately, it is getting harder to find large property for enjoying outdoor sports. Michigan has done a great job in developing its parks, and heading to the areas in the more rural parts of Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton Counties, there are tracts of State land available for use by Residents. I am bringing up land rights issues due to an incident that happened on our property behind our office on November 11, 2007. A gentleman was given permission to hunt the property with a bow, and harvested a 10 point buck. The animal ran onto property owned by a utility company. A neighbor adjacent to the utility company’s property confronted the hunter stating that he had illegally taken the animal and removed the head of the deer and took it. The neighbor had stated that he leased the property from Consumers Power. Here is the link to the article posted at WILX TV . This seems highly unlikely since several people have pointed out that Consumers Energy does not lease there property. So whose deer was it? According to the “Tagging Big Game and Furbearers” Section of the Michigan Department of Natural Resource’s Hunting and Trapping Guide. “It is unlawful to tag and animal you did not legally kill.” So even if the Neighbor did tag the head before he took it, he would still be in violation. Leaving the game laws out of, it brings up questions of property rights. If the deer had fallen on Mr. Wisniewski’s (AKA The Neighbors) property and he would not allow the hunter to retrieve it, the animal would become the State’s property. This is due to trespassing laws of Michigan. “MCLA 750.552 is the general state statute for trespass. This statute prevents anyone from trespassing upon the premises of another after having been forbidden to do so.” According to Attorney Clifford H. Bloom in an article called Trespass! Posted on the website above, since the hunter would have been prevented from entering the premise, and the land owner could not tag the animal, an officer would have to confiscate it.
Now the question becomes since the property was not posted as private, when the hunter went on the property to retrieve his animal, was he in violation of any laws. He had never been forbidden to enter the property either by signs on the property or by any individual. If I am reading how the statute is being interpreted by Mr. Bloom, it would seem that he had every right to enter the property, especially since he thought he was still on the property he had been given permission to hunt. He had no intention of trespassing on someone else’s property. The DNR is currently involved now, and it will be interesting to see what the outcome of this incident is going to be. If you have any comments or know more about the laws involved, please leave me your comment.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sellers Market Unhealthy, Unprecedented time for buyers

We saw more bad news in the papers last week with foreclosures rising 54% in Ingham County. New homes being started in the area through the third quarter are also down over 40%. Currently in Lansing as of today there are 5117 houses available for sale according to the MLS. Using the average of 366.5 sales per month year to date, this would mean we have almost 14 months of inventory currently on the market in the Greater Lansing area. It is no secret that the market has switched from a sellers to a buyers market.
Believe it or not this is one of the best times in the history of real estate for a buyer to purchase. The last time Lansing’s building permit numbers dropped this low was in 1982. Interest rates were through the roof and it was extremely difficult compared to today to get a mortgage. Even with the tightening of the market, there is a program for just about any one looking for a loan. I have seen some unbelievable deals on homes that have sold in the last few months. There are many different incentives and just regular price reductions that are going to allow many people who purchase right now a chance to have large equity positions in property in the future. We just came off of the longest run in housing growth in US history. Metaphorically, the new years party ended and it is currently mid morning Jan. 1st and the hangover is really setting in. Some people really tried to play the market, especially in some parts of the country were there was 15%-30% gains per year in housing value. They jumped in at the end and are currently getting burned. Michigan’s real estate market isn’t healthy if you are a seller, but in very few instances are the consequences of purchasing a home in our hottest markets of 2004 and 2005 going to have as much of an impact dollar wise as someone who purchased in Florida or California. One thing I will guarantee you, in the future, real estate will be more valuable than it is currently. I don’t have a crystal ball to tell you how to time the market and I don’t think that we are going to see the type of market we saw a few years ago for quite some time. Our area was overbuilt, financing got a little aggressive, and it is going to be hard for a while for some people to be able to get their money back out of there homes. However, we are seeing signs of the market stabilizing.
I have accumulated the building permit data for the area for the last 30+ years. It is easy to see to see the trend of the growth and then a sharp drop off for a few years. This would coincide with the existing home real estate market as well, since new homes are primarily needed when there is growth in an area. The easiest way to track new home growth is by looking at the employment growth in an area. The more job growth the more new construction that can be absorbed in a market area. Looking at jobs in the Greater Lansing area from 2000 to 2007, there were 10,000 jobs cut out of our market. This data was not seasonally adjusted, but it still shows a downward trend which would create a situation where existing housing stock would be in over supply, let alone adding new homes. New construction permits pulled were at record highs in 04-05 which has now caught up with us. The good news, we have seen employment numbers stabilize over the last year. This is a good sign for the market, because we should start to see our local market stabilize over time. For buyers right now, if you need a home there has never been a better time to find a good deal on a piece of property. When the market does stabilize and we start to see growth, people who purchase now are going to have the best chance of being in a great equity position in a few years. If you are thinking about real estate investing, now is the time to start researching properties and neighborhoods to learn values. With foreclosures at an all time high, interest rates at an all time low, and the new job announcements in Lansing and the surrounding area this market is showing signs of being healthy again faster than many of the other areas in Michigan. If you are interested in seeing what properties are available right how, please visit my website, click on listings and MLS. You can either search properties my company currently has listed, or search all listings in the MLS by clicking on the MLS button in the upper right corner. If you are interested in government foreclosure homes, check out This will give you the list of all the government foreclosed properties in the US. For strictly HUD homes in Michigan here is the link to Michigan broken down by cities.
If you are interested in viewing any of these homes, or have any questions regarding real estate investing or purchasing, please post a comment, or email me at I will also be posting some of the podcasts that I listen to regarding real estate investing and real estate in general, as well as links to other sites I find useful.
Please let me know what other good sites are out there, I am always looking for more information. I am working on setting up to interviews regarding real estate investing. One from an investor that just purchased and flipped his first piece of property, and one from a gentleman who has been buying flipping and renting properties for quite some time. I hope to have these within a week.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Learn how land planning and Development is done

As development and land use become an ever more heated topic in the United States, many people have questions as to how different decisions are made. Ingham county residents will have a chance to take a workshop to learn how planning and zoning works. This would be an excellent class for anyone interest in learning about board procedures, or just curious about getting involved in our region with development issues. The workshop is being put on by Ingham Economic Development Corporation. This group is dedicated to helping communities and businesses develop through education and links to local, state, and federal funding and other services. I am looking forward to attending this seminar to learn more about the process. The cost of $35 seems more than fair for this course. Here is the Link for Ingham Economic Development if you would like to learn more about them, . To register for this course, you can contact Susan at or find out more at Lansing area events under the lecture and Seminar section. As always, with any question, or comments, please email me

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Go Green Lansing

The green building movement is something relatively new on the American scene. Most people know the term green but do not know exactly what the standard is. In the residential housing industry, you can have the five star energy rating for a home, which means it is energy efficient. This is kind of the beginning standard, then you can get into the types of glues used, renewable finishings, such as bamboo flooring, and many other features that can be used to save energy and be more environmentally friendly. In Commercial buildings, I am aware of Leadership in Energy and Environment Design, or LEED. It is the standard developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. Here is the link if you are interested in finding out more about the standard, The National Association of Homebuilders announced that it is going green and is really pushing its new green building courses. In Lansing Gene Townsend announced his new project on the Corner of Kalamazoo and Cedar with its retail shops, condos, and apartments as a green building. I am really excited about this, and I think Gene is going to make a real impact on this town with this. As far as I am aware, this it the biggest green project that Lansing has ever seen. This may be the only true “Green” building in Lansing. This type of project is something that Lansing really needs. I hope that it is a great success for Mr. Townsend, and shows the other developers in the area that Lansing is ready to “Go Green.” (Hopefully that last line does not infringe on any copyright of any certain University)

Monday, October 22, 2007

10/19/2007 Regional Changes in Lansing

As we are constantly reminded of budget deficits, tax issues, and the automotive industry doldrums in the State of Michigan, under the radar Mid Michigan has seen a lot of small start up growth.
Lansing has had an exciting week of announcements. Accident Fund is working on finally coming up with a solution for the vacant Ottawa plant building and bringing it back to a community asset. Pat Gillespie has yet again shown that Lansing has the potential to really shine as an urban core with reclaiming more of the riverfront and turning it into a destination spot for the tri-county area. The entire region has seen some real changes for the enhanced quality of life. Old town just received national recognition from Ikea thanks to the support of the entire Lansing community getting together and voting. The festivals located there are packed with people and activities. REO town has started their Labor Day festival that brings in local and national bands that was truly a great time.
Many of the smaller communities in the area have events that attract hundreds to thousands of people. DeWitt has their Harvest fest coming up and the next few months will be full of Chili cook-offs and holiday celebrations across the region. Over the past decade people have really began to realize how important the fabric of the community is to the quality of life for all of its members. As you drive into the downtowns of our local cities, the streetscapes are being improved and many of the towns are very walk able and full of many exciting small businesses. I am sitting in the downtown Mason coffee shop and bookstore, looking at the town square and admiring the building facades that are all being renovated and the ones that are already restored. Even though its raining, people have been coming in and out of the coffee shop, and quite a few people are walking in and out the of the businesses and shops here.
Right now, downtown Lansing is hard to get in and out of due to the road construction. Next time you go down Washington though, notice how almost every building on the street is either restored, or in the process of being so. All of those second and third stories that were sealed in a metal shell for decades are now being re-utilized into lofts for residents and small businesses. As little as two years ago when you went downtown after five, you would be one of just a few people walking in what looked like a ghost town. Now, there are lines in front of the clubs to get in, the restaurants are starting to get busy, and the coffee shops have people enjoying a cup either before or after they get on with their days. Our region has seen our quality of life enriched with so many different types of activities and the towns all working to make their shopping districts more pedestrian friendly.
I am excited that this doesn’t seem to just be a trend, but a change in our daily lifestyle. As the world becomes more connected economically and many companies are competing for market share in regions and countries that it may not have been possible to do even 5 years ago, people are also realizing how important it is to support and build the local economies, to make sure that we keep the quality of life that we have created here. We have a great balance of businesses that compete on the international, regional, and local level. I hope we continue to see the business growth in the region, and the continued improvement of our cities and towns as we move forward. I really enjoy being a part of the tri county community, and want to know about what you find enjoyable here. Please email me the highlights of your experiences here in Mid-Michigan. What events, festivals, and businesses do you enjoy that adds to your quality of life here? Let me know at and I will get the answers posted. You can also post a response immediately at Have a great weekend, and I look forward to reading what experiences you enjoy in Mid-Michigan.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Give Us Your Feedback - Potential Condominium Project!

Forsberg Real Estate Company is looking at a potential project in a town that is a suburb of Lansing. We are looking at restoring a building that would have 1, 2, and 3 bedroom condominiums ranging in price from approximately $99,000 to $139,000. These would be within walking distance of this suburb’s downtown which features a coffee shop, restaurants, a salon, convenience store, a bank, and other types of businesses. Downtown Lansing would be approximately a 15-20 minute drive.

I am curious to get feedback if there would be any interest in this type of home? If you were going to purchase a loft type condominium, what types of finishing’s and amenities would you want inside the condominium? What types of businesses would you want surrounding you? Until the live post is activated, please email your answer to Thank you for your responses and time in answering our survey.


Friday, October 12, 2007

Fall activities

What a change a week has made in the feeling of Mid Michigan. It seemed for a while that summer was going to never end. Fall has definitely set in, bringing with it many great outdoor activities, including donut and cider mills, fall festivals, hometown football games, and many other activities that can only be enjoyed this time of year. Over the weekend my wife and I were in Ludington. The fall colors were absolutely beautiful as most of the trees had completely turned. Hopefully with the cool weather we will get a spectacular show here by this weekend. If you are looking for fall activities, please visit and click on the news/events button. We are constantly working to update this, so if you have any events that you think should be added please feel free to email the events to We will do our best to get them added. Enjoy the crisp air, and have a great weekend.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Beautiful two-story with all the luxuries!

1199 Joann Lane, Williamston


Imagine looking out the window of your master retreat with cathedral ceiling and seeing deer and turkey walking through your back yard. If this is your dream then this is the home for you. This unbelievable is home located in Windybrook of Williamston near shopping and town with the benefits of country living at its best.
Contact Brent Forsberg today at 517-202-7572 for your private tour of this home.

Nature Lovers Dream Home!

950 Windjammer, Mason $449,900
Assumable Mortgage at only 4.625% (subject to bank approval)
Beautiful New 2005 Site Condominium located in the prestigious Riverwalk subdivision in Mason. This home is a nature lovers dream and a must see. MLS#155301

Contact Brent Forsberg today at: 517-202-7572 for your private tour of this home.