Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Goal Setting

As the new year rapidly approaches many people begin to work on their New Years Resolutions, or goals. Goals are something that our office takes very seriously. Through out the year we are constantly reassessing our goals, both within the company and individual employees work and personal goals. A few years ago some of the other agents and myself attended a seminar by a gentleman names Brian Tracy. If you have not heard of him, he is probably one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I have included a link to his website on this blog site, and I am also going to post the notes below that we took from the seminar on goal setting. If you are looking for some direction on self actualization and goal setting, I highly suggest looking through Brian Tracy’s materials. We also have some goal templates that we use in the office, if you are interested in receiving a copy, please email me at, and I will be more than happy to send you one. If you have any tips regarding goal setting please feel free to post them here.
12 Steps:

1) Desire/Need – The force that compels us toward our goal. It is always personal or selfish.
2) Belief – Most important element. You must believe you can achieve. Make your goals challenging so they cause you to stretch yourself (gets you out of your comfort zone).
3) Write it down – This is a way to program it into your subconscious. Write in complete details exactly as you wish to have it. Have a very clear representation.
4) Determine benefit – How will you benefit from achieving your goal? This will help you see more reasons to achieve your goal.
5) Analyze your position – See where you’re at. Where you’re beginning.
6) Set a deadline – What is the latest outside date to achieve goal. You should be able to measure how long it will take to accomplish and measure your success. You should see progress along the way and get a feeling of being a winner.
7) Identify Obstacles – What will you have to overcome? There are always obstacles. Write down what these are.
8) Identify knowledge required – What knowledge do you need to obtain your goal?
9) Clearly identify people needed – THREE LAWS OF RETURN:
1. Law of Return: Sewing & Reaping – more you put in/more you get out.
2. Law of Compensation – Every action gets an equal reaction (get what you give).
3. Law of Service – Can only get success by serving others (go extra mile). More Blessed to give then to receive. More profitable to give then to receive.
10) Take all steps – Make a plan and write down all activities. Prioritize your time – 1st, 2nd, etc. Continually go back and re-prioritize.
11) Clear mental image – Should already have obtained this and should already be in existence. Play the mental picture in your mind daily!!
12) Back plan with determination & persistence – Don’t give up!! Know that there will be setbacks. Winners pick themselves up. Self-discipline is persistence in action.

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