Monday, April 14, 2008

Suburban's E-home perfect fit for Michigan Families

Suburban Homes of Mid-Michigan has just released their new housing line to help combat the new construction housing slowdown experienced in the area. "Many of the homes built can have up to 10% of the materials brought to the job sites thrown out instead of used in the construction of the home. This money comes directly out of the pocket of the consumer. This home has been engineered to be extremely efficient to build allowing us to bring our home owners a product with lots of square footage at a very competitive price. We feel that this is a perfect product for Mid-Michigan families and allows them to have a great home with an affordable payment." Stated Dave Netti of Suburban homes. Dave is able to build a 2100 Square foot two story starting at $179,900. His ranch home starts at$135,000. I will post a picture of the homes with actual square footages later this week.
I spent a couple of hours with Dave and a couple other select Realtors from around the Lansing area including John DeMarco of Keller Williams. The concept of these homes were very well accepted and the overall consensus is these will be a big hit in the greater Lansing area. The one disadvantage is the lack of choices that the consumer has in color choices, of paint and doors, but the cost of the home will more than make up for that shortcoming. Forsberg has a few home sites around the Greater Lansing area that these homes could be built on. The prices quoted above is a turn key house, meaning it is a livable house at that price. If you are interested in finding out more about these, please contact me at or leave a comment here, and I will get back with you more information. This home will be springing up all over mid Michigan this year, and I will bring more pictures of it and updates as they get completed. Have a great day.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Doom's Day for Education

This morning at the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Ryan Doom of the company WebAscender gave a great talk on the value of social marketing on the web. He gave a great example of how the sharing of knowledge verses keeping it a secret helped out a corporation in the mining industry that otherwise would have been in deep financial trouble.

I know that this isn't exactly real estate related, but it fits into the scope of this blog because Ryan and Webascender is the type of company that the Tri-County area needs. It is locally founded and is growing to become an asset in this region. Ryan mentioned that he is a member of the local Technology council that also has members from MC Squared Technology Group and Tech Smith to help educate local workers and bring more talented web designers into the area. This is a great way to help combat Michigan's Brain Drain from the state. Even with the soft state of our economy there are more and more signs of these businesses really starting to grow and be noticed. It was also exciting to see in the paper today the fact that another thirty million in grants are going out in June as part of the 21st century jobs fund. If real estate is to see another growth spurt in the area it is going to take more of these types of companies to grow and gives us large employment growth in the region.

Ryan's presentation covered the importance of social networking and showed the benefits of many of the websites and communities available online. He posted his presentation on his website and his company could provide some guidance if you are interested in learning more about using,,, wiki's, and blogs to as he put it "leverage the world." It is truly encouraging to see people like Ryan who believe in our community and working to help better the region. There has been a lot of exciting things going on in our region that will be covered in the next few weeks. I will be covering a new type of home being built that Mid-Michigan has not seen before, Lance Queen, a local bank expert just moved to a non-profit to help people with home purchasing, and John and Brad have moved to Keller Williams to bring a new level of service to their real estate careers. Again, if you have anything that you would like to learn more about or have a comment in general, please feel free to call me, email, or post a comment here. Have a great day, and thank you again Ryan for sharing your knowledge this morning.